
{featured} The Deco Detective

Hi Dudes and Dudettes,

I am here to check in on all you lovelies. Are you doing well? Oh good!

Wait, actually I came by the blog to toot lemon drop studio's horn a little bit!

lemon drop studio's silhouettes were featured today on The Deco Detective's blog, which you should definitely go check out! What lovely things Trudi said about my little business and the prints that I love so much!

If you have a moment, go over and check out The Deco Detective's blog, it's great! Thanks so much, Trudi, I feel blessed!!

Oh, and I just put some new silhouettes up in lemon drop studio's shop on etsy, so go take a peek.


sassypackrat said...

I love the little boy silhouette! Such a fresh modern take on an old style idea. So cute!

TheDecoDetective said...

Hi Shauna,
Thank you so much for the link love=) It was a pleasure doing the post, and I'm sure people will love your silhouettes!
Have a great Friday!

fourlittleloves said...

These are PRECIOUS Shauna!! How are you??? You just do the CUTEST things ever!! Take care my friend! :o)

pve design said...

I love these. Growing up, my Grandmother had a bracelet, a charm bracelet with each one of our silhouettes and then my Mom inherited it and added all the Grandkids.
It is now a necklace because it is way too heavy!
I love the vintage look of these and the memories.